#MySafetyPledge for Construction Safety Week 2018: If you know Mike Kirk, Project & Safety Manager, he’s known for saying, “We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keeper when it comes to safety and maintaining a safety culture.” It is vital that each of us understand that we play a role in ensuring that everyone goes home safe at the end of the day. Reminding one another to put your hard hat on or not to forget to put your safety glasses are just two small things that may make a big impact.

Here at Farnham Equipment Company, we too are dedicated and committed to the health and safety of not only our Farnham Team, but our partners, clients, and others within our community. Safety starts with awareness, knowledge, preparedness, and being present continuing forward with courage and vulnerability to see something, say something, and do something.

Awareness of your surroundings and safety precautions.
Knowledge of appropriate safety gear, practices, hazards, proper operation, and cautionary situations.
Preparedness of always having your safety gear with you and always wearing your gear on site.
Being present. Letting go of distraction to think clearly and be where you are in the moment. This ranges from not having your “head in the game” to walking (or driving!) and texting.
Courage to stand up and say something and vulnerability to let go of the discomfort in speaking up for the sake of our “Brothers and Sisters.” Speaking up and taking action may be the turning point for the way someone’s day progresses.

Safety isn’t just about the gear though, it’s also about taking care of yourself. Summer is almost here and as the temperatures rise, we need to be hydrated and aware of the rising heat’s impact. And we need to be sure we’re getting proper nutrition. On behalf of safety this week, we’re dropping off some goodies to our field teams:

Because when you’re “Hangry” you can’t think clearly. When you can’t think clearly, you can’t be present. When you’re not present, you’re distracted. When you’re distracted, you’re not being safe.

Take a Break. Have a Snack. Stay Present. Stay Safe!


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