Project Name: Edgerton Local Performance Theatre Seating
Owner: Edgerton Local Schools
Scope: Provide and Install Metro Seating and Clarin Chairs for Performance Theatre
Completion Date: Spring 2020
Superintendent Kermit Riehle always had great appreciation for the theatre. When he became Superintendent of Edgerton Local Schools, he desired nothing more than to revitalize the theatre department. With limited space, he knew that the auxiliary gym provided an opportunity to have seating for theatre performances. However, he needed a customizable solution that would allow for the gym to be used throughout the year while also allowing for seating for plays a few times each year. Farnham Equipment Company was able to work with Kermit to come up with a creative solution for theatre seating.
Farnham installed two banks of Maxam Plus telescopic bleachers with 16 tiers on each bank. This allowed for an additional 248 seats for theatre performances while allowing for adequate spacing for the gymnasium. Rather than use normal courtside seats, Metro Upholstered Chairs allowed for a comfortable seating experience for patrons. These were made available as a result of code compliant spacing of the telescopic bleachers.
For the ground floor, we provided Clarin Chairs for other spectators with customized school logos on each.
This project highlights the product knowledge Farnham has in finding a customizable solution for customers. Rather than add an entire theatre, Edgerton was able to find a solution that allowed for spectator seating while not compromising of flexible space for the gymnasium as a whole.
The entire project gallery for Edgerton’s Performance Theatre can be viewed here.