Projects: Athens’ East Elementary, Morrison-Gordon Elementary, and Middle School
Athens City Schools needed an upgrade to their facilities. Across the board, they could sense that their students and their community deserved a more modern look to their buildings. Passage of a bond levy in 2018 allowed for new additions and other renovations to take place in the district. Shortly afterward, the district chose Schorr Architects and Ruscilli Construction to manage the project through its entirety. Farnham Equipment Company (FEC) received awards to provide casework for the additions and renovations to two elementary schools and the middle school.
All three buildings feature Stevens Industries Advantage Educational Casework. The two elementary buildings were provided in a Kensington Maple finish throughout the schools for both a modern and clean appearance. The Fox Teakwood cabinet finish for the casework at the custom millwork desk assemblies in the reception areas is accented with green and gray felt tones to highlight school colors upon entry into the buildings.
The custom millwork for the reception area of the middle school features a sleek Fox Teakwood cabinet finish with Luna Concrete finished solid surface countertops.
The installation of new casework in each of these three buildings impacted the look and feel of the schools completely. Stevens Advantage Casework is a high-quality product, and when it is installed by professional in-house technicians from FEC, the fixed cabinetry becomes a focal point of the finished facility!
The project galleries for these Athens’ City School buildings can be seen below.
Athens East Elementary
Morrison-Gordon Elementary School
Athens Middle School