Steve Dickerson, Superintendent for Lucas Local School District, was ready to bring the High School’s Outdoor Bleachers up to code when he was faced with the challenge of finding the right company and the right price. The football bleachers were originally installed on a hillside rather than the typical flat bearing surface and after receiving several quotes for a Hillside Beam Bleacher four years ago, Dickerson decided to put a hold on the project and wait for a better option.
A better option came when Farnham Equipment Company representative Dave Fahrenholz met with Steve Dickerson and proposed a Hillside Angle Frame Bleacher from our featured Grandstand and Outdoor Bleacher Manufacturer, American Aluminum Seating, Inc. After evaluating the hillside grade, AASI was able to customize their bleacher frame to fit Lucas’ hillside slope. The result: a savings of over two-thirds the original quote from four years ago and code compliance for Lucas Local School District’s Outdoor Bleachers to keep spectators safe for the upcoming football season!